06 Jan Grade 11 Essential

06 Jan Grade 11 Essential

Todays plan is to very quickly refresh your Grade 10 Trigonometry!  Several students had by-passed the Grade 10, so this will help everyone.  However, the class will be about 65 minutes in duration, I will talk to the movie that I prepared.

Then we will study how to use one triangle to solve another triangle.  Then start on the Cosine Law!  So we will get up to page 14 in the Unit G Trigonometry Notes.

I have posted most of today’s lesson in our shared Daily Lessons Folder, and will convert it to a movie version by end of the day in our Lesson Support Videos.

Late MATH Assignments (Units D-H only) can still be handed in up to Monday 18 Jan (when you are all back in class anyway).  I will send out progress reports to those who have not been by to collect them recently so you can see what assignments you are missing.

I have posted most of today’s lesson in our shared Daily Lessons Folder, and will convert it to a movie version by end of the day in our Lesson Support Videos.