13 October Gr10 Math

Started on Unit G Transformations.  On Page 5 in the Unit G Transformations Notes. Started on Assignment G-1 Translations and Reflections. Class time to start on the Grade 10 Essential Practice Test for Thursday’s Test.  

13 Oct Biology

Only three students?  Test on Thursday Worked on Section 17.1 Genes and Variation, up to page 483.  Did an assignment C-5 Gene Pool, looking for how a population of mice evolve when mother nature applies some selection pressure for their Continue Reading

9 Oct Biology

Calendar. Test Next Thursday! 15th October. No class Monday 12th Thanksgiving Today.  Finish up Section 16.4 Evidence of Evolution. Check out the Unit Playlist for that part.  Check out this hilarious video from Friends where Phoebe says “it’s just a Continue Reading

8 Oct Biology

Issued assignment CHARLIE – 3  Darwin Presents His Case. A few select movies from our Unit Playlist introduced us to 16.4 Evidence of Evolution.  Evidence of Evolution Movies. Finishing up section 16.4  – Evidence of Evolution and working on the Continue Reading

5 Oct Grade 12 Biology

Missing a few students.  Thursday Quiz Returned. Completed Reading Section 16.1 Darwin’s Voyage of Discovery, and had an assignment CHARLIE-1. Our Fav Bio Teacher Mr.D covers the entire Chapter nicely.  Mr.D Movies Part 1