19 Oct Biology

Starting in on Unit D – Biodiversity (Classification of Life) Here is the on-line version of the reference reading.  Doing Section 19.1 Today – Finding Order in Diversity And you have a Unit D – Biodiversity Study Guide to focus Continue Reading

15 Oct Grade 10 Essential Math

The test went well I think, shall have them all marked by Friday AM I hope If you missed the test, last chance tomorrow, Friday (unless you had already arranged otherwise) Issued Assignment Alpha-2  Problem Solving-Draw a Diagram.  

15 OCT Biology

Doing Section 17.2 in the Reference Readings.  Evolution as Genetic Change in Populations.  Pretty difficult to avoid evolution! Finishing our Mid-Term Review.  It is/will be in our Daily Lessons shared folder of course. Issuing the Take-Home Mid-Term.  Due no later Continue Reading

14 October Grade 12 Biology

A busy morning.  Decided to make tomorrow’s TEST a take-home.  I will issue the test tomorrow (Thursday)  it will be due in No Later Than (NLT) Tuesday 09:15.   This will hopefully help a few students. Finished Section 17.1 Genes and Continue Reading