22 Sep Gr10 Essential

My movie about the brain farts I often see and why you should show your work Worked on a few Assignment A-1 Questions; Guess and Check to solve a problem Studied the preferred method of unit conversions:  The Unit Factor Continue Reading

22 Sep Grade 12 Biology

Only three students?  Looked at Blood type, reviewed vocabulary, did word find to strengthen vocabulary. Postponed the Superbabies till tomorrow (Wed). Lunch tomorrow includes Soup and Sandwich!  And our Elder is doing a presentation too over lunch!    

14 Sep Biology

Got lots done!  [a few students missing!] Did Assignment ALPHA-3 Guinea Pigs Dihybrid Cross(es)  in class!    Watched most of a Nature of Things (David Suzuki) Episode (like on APTN) all about Genetics: Scary, we can actually do genetics in Continue Reading

18 Sep Gr12 Biology

A great half-day! We debriefed the Weekly Quiz.  We checked out how a Dihybrid cross (two factors) would work.  You may see a movie of mine with three factors; that takes 64 squares, so fun!  Next week we will get Continue Reading

17 Sep Gr12 Biology

Awesome!  The regular weekly Thursday quiz went well.  Last chance tomorrow if you missed it. We read Section 11.2 Applying Mendel’s Principles. We are working on single factor Punnett squares.  Calculating the probability of an offspring having a certain trait Continue Reading

15 Sep Gr12 Biology

Here is a list of course materiel that has been handed out: Reference Readings, Worksheets, Study Guides, etc. Biology Glossary.  There are several Biology Glossaries on our website.   Here is one I will issue:  Gr12 Biology Glossary.  It would not Continue Reading