Did not get a chance to mark all the Regular Thursday Quizzes. Will debrief on Monday!
But if you find the first couple weeks challenging that is normal! Recall how I told you that of my 100 teachers in our graduating class, only two of us were actually math teachers, so it may have something to do with the fact you learned math from someone who was not a MATH teacher.
We did more of Assignment CHARLIE-5 – Converting Temperatures. That old Fahrenheit system that only Americans use still and the more Metric System: Celsius.
Get to work on your Study Notes (Cheat Sheet!) No more Open Book quizzes! If you want you might model yours after MINE! I did a cheat sheet too! For ME. You will want to have a similar one. The learning happens by making your OWN cheat sheet. DO NOT ask me how MINE works, it is MINE. Here is my CHEAT SHEET for GRADE 10 ESSENTIAL. Hopefully you had already found it on my website!!? You too should be able to squeeze the entire course onto one sheet of paper!
Nail down those Times Tables! Math is so much more fun ( well less brutal at least) when you do not have to keep reaching for a calculator. Check my Unit X Prior Studies stuff we did the first week! Here is a zillion ways to learn and have games with: Multiplication Tables.
We also explored our calculators and the one I like to use. I even gave away the last few good calculators I had since we cannot share anymore. We did a worksheet exploring how to use a calculator.