4 June Math Blog

Check yesterday Blog about a ‘Graduation‘ ceremony  (drive by)

Had one student today again doing in-class review.  We can still do in-class review Monday and *Tuesday and last chance Wednesday next week if you are sufficiently comfortable with that.  We will maintain standard social protocol.  But *Tuesday after 13:00 due to a morning Staff Meeting, I can stay till 17:00 if necessary.

I prepared and Uploaded a a Probability Review Lesson this morning.  PDF  ;   or  Video.  It is in our shared files of course.

I will prepare and upload a Geometry and Trigonometry Review tomorrow morning.

May even do review file and video the weekend for House Finance.

Quiz.  We will be collecting your Quiz that you were given two weeks ago, and that I have uploaded in e-mails, and blogs. Collecting it tomorrow [Friday].