30 April Daily Blog

Looking good!

I uploaded MY daily lesson (hopefully you are doing parallel work) to our Daily Lesson Shared Folder and our Daily Lesson YouTube Playlist.  You hopefully have started on your first quiz by now.  Six pages to do in 2 weeks!  Should not be a problem.

I have had two students that returned some completed worksheets.

If you have some ‘worksheets‘ for me to correct (despite they already have the answers) I will correct them if necessary, but they are not worth marks (although they are evidence of participation); but provided you are following the Unit Notes, the worked examples in the notes, the webpage links, and playlists, and daily lessons then ‘marking’ should be unnecessary if you are getting the answers.

But make sure you are showing your work, especially to yourself!  Your mission is to learn how to get the answer!  The actual numeric answer itself is somewhat secondary to be honest.  The more often you write out a formulae and say it to yourself, the more often you organize your thoughts (even if it takes 4 minutes!), the more you are learning.

Check out my movies from yesterday blog about Show Your WorkShow Your Work (6 minutes); Show Your Work (20 minutes well worth it)