29 April Daily Lesson Math Blog

Uploaded our daily  lesson to our shared folder (pdf) and our Daily Lessons YouTube playlist.

We have a zoom meeting this morning; 10:30 .  See you then if able.

SHOW your work.  Make sure when you are doing your work sheets (and especially quizzes and tests) that you show your work!  Showing your work (method , formula, steps) over and over is a good way to learn.  It ensures you are doing the correct calculations, it makes it easy to go back and correct and check, it allows you to later do more advanced steps, it allows the teacher to give part marks.

But if all you do is fling some unexplained numbers scattered about on the page you will lose yourself and your instructor and get zero marks.

Check out this quick 6 minute video I just did :  Show Your Work Brief

For a more comprehensive video on why you must show your work check out this one (20 mins):  Show Your Work.

ZOOM Meeting went well.  Attendance winners of MacD and Timmies coupons were:  Joey H, Barry B., and Hargurdeep