Daily Blog -17 April – Daily Lesson

Today’s Lesson.  Did a lesson on Unit B – Vehicle Purchase – Review Worksheet.  Uploaded it to:

a.  our Daily Lessons Shared Folder.  (PDFs)

b.  our Grade 12 Essential Daily Lessons YouTube Channel.  Hoping to get these down to 12 minutes once we are fully in gear.  Subscribe to the channel if you want; had 232 views this week but mostly from India and the US.  Average view time is 6 minutes, so I will try to trim mine down soon.

Unit B Workbook.  So do some of  the  Unit B Workbook; ~ 20 pages of practice problems for the entire unit (with answers) from Past Provincial Exams..

Sneak in a bit more Unit A Problem Solving one in a while, handy tools to solve problems.  Starting Unit C – Statistics  Next Week.

Cheat Sheet.   Get started on your Study Notes (ie: cheat sheet).  You are expected to have one.  Thinking I may make it worth marks!! (?)  You should be able to concisely explain an entire course (any course) to yourself on one sheet of paper.  Here is MY Cheat Sheet; you will want to do your own in the context of how you yourself think..  Revise your cheat sheet regularly.

Will send out my normal weekly review e-mail as well for those who only communicate by e-mail.

Think I will try an on-line quiz in here too just to test that capability, wait for that.