30 April Daily Blog

Looking good! I uploaded MY daily lesson (hopefully you are doing parallel work) to our Daily Lesson Shared Folder and our Daily Lesson YouTube Playlist.  You hopefully have started on your first quiz by now.  Six pages to do in Continue Reading

27 April – Daily Math Blog

Everyone should have got their updated / refreshed packages from Yellowquill on Friday. The Math stuff you received included the first quiz which is due for the next delivery/collection even, Friday, 8 May.  First Quiz. I uploaded to our shared Continue Reading

24 April Daily Blog

Daily Lesson being uploaded (standby) Grade 12 Essential Daily Lessons (PDF). Grade 12 Essential Daily Lessons (YouTube Playlist). Delivery and Pickup service in effect as we speak, right now.  Make sure you or someone is home. I refreshed a few Continue Reading

23 April Daily Blog

Uploaded a bit of Unit C – Statistics; the Lesson on Percentile Rank Make sure you, or someone, is home tomorrow Friday , the delivery/collection service will happen tomorrow.  I will be giving you a simple 6 page quiz.  it Continue Reading

22 April Daily Blog

Uploaded MY daily work to our Daily Lessons Shard Folder (PDF) Uploaded the Daily Lesson YouTube Video to our Daily Lesson YouTube Playlist Bi-weekly Pick-up and Delivery of materiel for Yellowquill this Friday!   Make sure Bernice has your address and Continue Reading

21 April Daily Blog

Tuesday, 21 April,  Good Morning I am working on Unit C – Statistics.  Uploaded a lesson file to our Daily Lessons Shared Folder. Sorry, a couple worksheets do not have the answers in them, I will publish answers shortly.  There Continue Reading

Jocelyn Starr Awards

Jocelyn was a former popular teacher at Yellowquill College. Her gracious family  have, for many years, honoured our graduates with two financial awards as follows: Jocelyn Starr Essay Writing Scholarship; and Jocelyn Starr Memorial Scholarship. CLOSING DATE 29 MAY   Continue Reading


I was bored the weekend; likely you were too? I uploaded today’s ‘lesson’ yesterday (Sunday).  Of course you may be following a slightly different schedule.  Aiming to complete Unit C Statistics by Mid-Week next week The Shared Daily Lessons File Continue Reading