Welcome to Grade 10 Essential Mathematics

***Click on highlighted hyperlinks***
** Keep these e-mails till end of the course, not everything can be googled**
Good work today folks!  You all seem awesome!
We introduced the course!  Here is the movie we watched all about the course.
Here is our Grade 10 Essential website.  Here is the Course Outline.
We have started on some quick review of Prior Studies (Grades 8 and 9)
We just reviewed some Adding, Subtracting, Multiplying and Dividing.  (arithmetic lesson)
If you hate that stuff just use a calculator later.  But give it a fair try for now!  Check out my fav teacher for Arithmetic: You Tube – Math Antics – Arithmetic.  A wonderful Playlist of videos!
Here is your First Assignment:  Gr10Ess_X-1
Here is where to find everything we did on the electronic whiteboard till the end of the course, day by day.  Bookmark it: